
Roughly every other year NHCC offers preparation for confirmation of one’s baptism. Confirmation is the ritual initiation of full adult membership in this parish church and the Church Universal. Confirmation is an event, a journey, a mystery, and a class. In the Protestant Church it is a choice and a “rite” that is joyful and meaningful. Quite often, based on events in the early Church, Confirmation is celebrated around Pentecost Sunday, 50 days after Easter.

The preparation class and the Rite of Confirmation require the support of families but are totally dependent upon the effort and decision of the participants. We firmly respect their questions and requests, even as we have an obligation to share a body of material that came before all of us and does not change with every era’s modifications. 

Our discussion time together provides significant first-hand opportunities to study our faith, examine our relationship to God, and ask every possible question (in confidence) of both pastors and peers. This is an unique opportunity, respecting students in ways that may or may not occur in other venues.

Who can participate?

Any eighth through twelfth grader with an interest in this parish.

What are the requirements?

We ask for regular presence and participation in classes, some work with a mentor from the parish, some mission activity, and participation on the day of confirmation.

What is the schedule?

Confirmation usually includes roughly 10 discussions, one short trip, and a mission project. Attendance at some worship services and one committee meeting are also part of the plan. Finally one private meeting with the pastor can be scheduled at a mutually convenient time.

Why do this?

To learn and grow. Childhood’s faith is wonderful and beautiful, but it is not sufficient to adulthood. Confirmation is the chance to take a grownup look at our history and form a grownup relationship with God. If you want to learn about God, get your toughest questions examined, and really discover some of the depth and breadth of the faith, this is a great place to gather. And if you really want to find ways to serve the world in its needs and be treated like an adult in the process, that is what this effort can accomplish.

Please contact us with any questions.