
Dear Visitor,

The Rev. Dr. Kenneth F. Baily, he/him, in a purple sweater, closely cropped
The Rev. Dr. Kenneth F. Baily

I am delighted that you’ve found our NHCC website and that somehow or other God’s Spirit has connected us — electronically for now, but ideally one day in worship and mission and friendship. Welcome. We hope to get to know you in person, as time progresses!

Let me introduce you to this place and this site. NHCC is a fundamentally traditional, theologically progressive community, with worship at its heart and mission in its soul.

That means we value the ancient calls to wholeness and health and peace that come from the scriptures and apply them to the personal, community, and international events of our own time. Or, to paraphrase Bill Moyers, we embrace the authority of history with a witness to this day.

Here in this parish we talk about God’s love, Jesus’ justice, and our service. We value the Biblical witness to grace well above the emphasis on judgment and recognize that faith is a journey, and God is a verb.

What does that mean? Active members and visitors who enjoy top quality music and prayer in worship, great Christian Education for children, youth, and adults, a safe church policy for all, and mission outreach that represents not only well over 10% of our budget but at least that much of our passion and time.

We love to share God’s hospitality with each other; and, like the Quakers, see that spark of Christ that is in every person as well as the wonders of what we can do together.

I hope that you contact us, or read some sermons, and check out the calendar of events on this site.

Then perhaps you will unite with us in our call and commitments as a progressive parish where relationship is a value we receive from God, and each person is a divine gift.

God’s blessings be with you in this moment and in all time.

Ken Baily