Newton Highlands Congregational Church members and friends gathered at the sparkling Advent Market on Sunday, December 15, 2024, to purchase Christmas gifts, including handmade tags, handknitted scarves, crocheted afghans, and baked goods; assemble health kits for distribution by Church World Service; donate diapers and mittens; and buy animal shares from Heifer International.
Proceeds from sales at the market were more than $3,700. Nearly half the Advent Market funds ($1,750) are going to Heifer International. Funds are also going to Family Promise Metrowest, Newton Food Pantry, and Church World Service.
Children and families also made gingerbread houses.
The market ended with a raffle for a colorful hand-built and decorated gingerbread house modeled on a Victorian house on Lincoln Street. The house was built over a month-long period by Michael Grieb. The ecstatic winner was Jeff Kaplan.
The Advent Market was organized by Mission Committee co-chair Holly Grieb with the help of co-chair Kitty Rieske and the entire committee.