Help Newton Highlands Congregational Church (NHCC) donate 50 towels or towel sets for local families!
Drop off new or like-new (free of rips or stains) bath towels or towel sets at 54 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands, MA, to support the Mission Committee’s towel drive for Welcome Home, a home goods pantry in West Newton.
Welcome Home provides basic household items along with kindness to area neighbors who need help furnishing their households.
“We always need so many towels for our clients!” stated volunteer drive manager Rachel Pemstein. “Quality is dignity, so we ask that all towels be in great condition.”
Bring new or like-new (no rips or stains) towels to NHCC, or simply order them here from Target.

The NHCC-Welcome Home towel drive will run from Sunday, October 1, to Sunday, October 29, 2023.
Staffed by volunteers, Welcome Home accepts home goods from anyone wishing to donate and keep items out of landfills. These goods are cleaned, shelved, and made available to people struggling to meet their basic needs.
The majority of the clients are women who care for children, parents, spouses, siblings, and neighbors. The goods one client receives therefore serve to benefit many, bolstering health, self- esteem, and a sense of well-being.
To learn more about Welcome Home, visit