Faith, friendship, food: Wednesday evenings at NHCC

Looking for faithful friendship? Newton Highlands Congregational Church offers Wednesday Worship– a light meal, conversation, and a time of prayer and devotion, 6:00-7:00 p.m. on three Wednesdays: August 14, 21, and 28, 2024.

All are welcome–including children of all ages–to an informal worship service on the church lawn at 54 Lincoln Street in Newton Highlands. Come to one, two, or all three evenings.

In the event of rain, meet indoors in the church parlor. Contact us for more information.

Why Wednesdays?

Replacing Sunday morning services with Wednesday evening services for three weeks this summer is an experiment, and we welcome your feedback. Why this test? More of our members are in town Wednesdays than Sundays! (So there is no Sunday worship on August 11, 18, and 25.)

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