Working together as people of faith, we can keep our church strong and healthy so we have a place to worship God and help our neighbors.
As Paul quotes Jesus in Acts, “It’s more blessed to give than receive” (Acts 20:35).
We need YOU!

Newton Highlands Congregational Church (NHCC) relies on your financial generosity and volunteer spirit to keep our doors open and raise our children in Christian faith. We need YOU to help our church thrive!
Your giving supports NHCC all throughout the year. We are carrying on practices that were started when our church was founded more than 150 years ago.

We’re an open book
Our finances are an open book, and all members and friends are invited to meet regularly to discuss and approve our budget so it exemplifies our values.
Together, we pay for ministry and other staff, children’s care and education, our building and instruments, and technology and communication.
We tithe for mission work
Because we are a faith community working together to make our world a better place, we allocate ten percent of all donations to mission efforts beyond our walls.
Our giving is local, national, and international, and it reflects our Christian and social values.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Matthew 25:35
Our Mission Committee makes recommendations about how to spend our mission funds.

Contributions to NHCC are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. law.
Featured photo by Kate Remmer on Unsplash