Morning Worship – 19 November 2023

Now Thank We All Our God

Prelude “Thanksgiving” (H. Sandiford Turner)

Congregational Welcome
Choral Offering “Psalm 105” (Dominick DiOrio)
Call to Worship

*Opening Hymn #559 We Gather Together

*Prayer of Invocation and Gratitude
Blessing God, send your Holy Spirit to be with us now, as we gather together to revive the ways of our lives. You shower us with grace, daily bread and vision, and we thank you. But we have other hungers and hopes, too, and our world does not share enough bread or joy everywhere with everyone. So we pray that you help us to grow in receiving and giving.
Here in community we celebrate music, prayer and mission:
smiles and tears of gratitude. But too many of the tears across our
world reflect injury and exclusion, war, and division. Too many do not have any melody in their lives. So we pray your Holy Spirit will inspire us to see and to name many needs. We pray the Spirit of Jesus will unite us, and that our assembly may bring light to the darkness, water for the thirsty, and hope for the world, in your thanksgiving way, Amen.

*The Assurance of Grace
*The Response in Praise (tune: We Gather Together)

God leads us, forgiving, all-loving, sustaining:
You call us O Savior to life that is new.
Empow’ering all with the way of your Spirit:
O lead us and inspire us with faith that is true.

*Sharing of Peace

The Hebrew Bible Deuteronomy 8: 7-18
Thanksgiving Hymn #551 Come, Ye Thankful People Come (seated)

The Gospel Reading Luke 17: 11-19
The Morning Meditation The Rev. Kenneth Baily

Call to Prayer, unison:
O God our creator, who called Abraham and Sarah to leave home,
who heard Pilgrims and Puritans hunger for a new home,
Who inspired First Nations leaders to open their home,
And who leads us now to know that all these calls and inspirations
are yet flawed and unfinished, bless our own seeking for your way
and your home in prayer.

The Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (Our father and mother… trespasses…)

Choral Offering “Psalm 105” (Dominick DiOrio)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Christ the word in flesh born low,
Praise Holy Spirit evermore,
One God, Triune, whom we adore. Amen.

*Hymn of Blessing (insert) Now Thank We All Our God

*Assurance and Blessing
*Choral Response “May the Grace of Christ Be With You” (arr. Dale Wood)

Postlude March in E-flat (Robert Schumann)

* Those who are able please stand

Today– we commemorate Megan Dillon’s marriage in the Parlor after worship.
Come celebrate with us!

Tomorrow (Monday)– Next Sunday:
Thank you to all who have cooked meals for about 60 neighbors, distributed tomorrow morning 10-12. Please keep all those food insecure in your prayers, as we do in our mission.
Next Sunday is called The Reign of Christ.
Come continue the conversation about what “Christian” means today.

NHCC is an Open and Affirming, Still Speaking congregation where all are welcome regardless of the divisions or separations that some in society would impose:
whoever you are, you are welcome in God’s house.
“In Christ we are a new creation,” so we are blessed to be together in Christ’s name.

Thanks to worship leaders Ken Baily, Jan Zimmerman, Yevgenia Semeina,
Amanda Ketchpaw, Christian Education, and Misha Hill.

“Faith is a footbridge that you don’t know will hold you up over the chasm until you’re forced to walk out onto it.” -Nicholas Wolterstorff

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