NHCC worship service recognizes 5-year anniversary of Covid impact

On Sunday, March 16, 2025, the Reverend Ken Baily recalled the uncertainty and need for rapid change that accompanied the beginning of the Covid pandemic in March 2020. The service included a litany, standing, with memory and prayer.

Remembers the Reverend Baily, “March of 2020 brought great changes to our parish, as well as our nation and our world.

“On March 13 of that year our leadership met and voted to ‘hold worship outside of the sanctuary’ for the foreseeable future. We were clear that we never closed, we just found ways to be open with new models. These included broadcasting worship, singing and celebrating out of doors when weather permitted, and very cautious attention to ongoing health guidelines.

“We held our first online worship on March 15, 2020. Confirmation class began meeting every week, with as much support as education. On May 17 we welcomed Rabbi Allison Berry to our online pulpit.  We had carefully spaced organ concerts on August 23, September 13, and December 20. We held our first video Christmas Pageant that day as well.

“This virus killed beloved members of the community, changed our parish, and affects us still in various ways. It burdened our spirits. But it didn’t stop our mission or ministry, for which we thank God.”

The children’s message also included a brief recollection about Covid-related changes.

For the postlude, organist Yevgenia Semeina played a Bach piece.

Buildings & Grounds Committee co-chairs Misha Hill and Ann Hulsing hosted fellowship time.

Misha Hill and Ann Hulsing

After fellowship time, parishoners gathered in the church parlor for a discussion about the meaning of “sanctuary.”

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