Lenten Healing Sunday: 3 April 2022

Prelude Chaconne Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706)

Congregational Welcome

Call to Worship

*Gathering Hymn No. 380 O Christ the Healer

*Prayer of Invocation and Healing

One voice: Hear the words of Psalm 126: “When our God restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy… Restore our fortunes, O Lord… may those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy.” Let us pray to the God of restoration.

All: We are not strangers to tears, O God, nor are those who weep all around our world strangers to you. Though we easily count our blessings, we have injuries, flaws and failures, also. But we know these are not the last word. We believe that restoration, reconciliation and consolation are Jesus’ promises, and your gifts. So be with us this day, through ancient promises and new blessings. Be with us in song, bread and Spirit, guiding us to be with each other, too, in the yoke of Jesus’ love and service, Amen.

The Hebrew Bible Isaiah 43: 16-21

The Gospel Reading John 12: 1-8

Choral Anthem Write Your Blessed Name  Dale Grotenhuis (1931-2012)

The Communion Meditation Kenneth F. Baily

*Hymn No. 504 Draw us in the Spirit’s Tether

Celebration of Holy Communion

All:  For this table is spread for you and for me that we might know that God has come to us and shared our common lot and invited us to receive life anew.  Indeed, God has triumphed even over death.  So we come to this table for thanksgiving, for grace, for Gods presence, for peace.

Leader:  Let us unite our voices in preparation.  God be with you.

All:  And also with you.

Leader: Lift up your hearts. All:  We lift them up to God!

Leader: Let us praise God, speaking together:

All: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might.  Heaven and earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in the Highest.  Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna in the highest.

Sharing of Communion Elements, Offering of Candles, Prayer Circles, Hymns

394 There is a balm in Gilead;  280 Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound

390 O Savior, in This Quiet Place

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Hymn of Healing (insert) O God of Love, O God of Peace


*Choral Response Amen

Postlude Priere a Notre Dame   Léon Boëllmann (1862-1897)

* Those who are able please stand


Improving the sanctuary: The organ is almost back to its loft:

it should be finished by Easter. We’ve removed many ropes in the pews.

We remain intentional about spacing ourselves, to create safe congregational assembly. To care for one another we wear masks (except for worship leaders at times) and our leaders are vaccinated. But we are reclaiming some traditional

bits, and it is good to worship together and to celebrate that things are improving.

We have a touch-free offering today. You may leave a gift in the basket, deliver an envelope after worship, go online, or any touch-free method you wish.

Thanks to worship leaders Kenneth Baily, Lynd Matt, Yevgenia Semeina,

Yumiko Matsuoka, Carol Jensen and Joy Huber

During worship you are invited forward for communion, or

can request elements in your pew; candles and prayer circles welcome all

Our mission to support World Central Kitchen concludes today;

WCK is feeding the hungry in Ukraine and we invite your gifts

NHCC is an Open and Affirming, Still Speaking congregation where all are welcome regardless of the divisions or separations that some in society would impose: whoever you are you are welcome in God’s house. “In Christ we are a new creation,” so we are blessed to be together in Christ’s name.

Newton Highlands Congregational Church, UCC

54 Lincoln Street, Newton, MA

www.nhcc.net 617 527 3898

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