Long-time member Charlie Shishmanian fondly remembered

On Saturday, June 25, 2022, a series of events will be held in Revere to celebrate the life of long-time member Charles Shishmanian. Charlie Shishmanian died peacefully on Saturday, June 4, 2022. Resting comfortably, the last thing he asked to do was watch a Red Sox game, which he did. Along with his wife Eunice, …

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Reverend Baily at lectern

Mayor’s Community Breakfast features the Reverend Ken Baily, other leaders

The Reverend Ken Baily was one of the featured speakers at the 48th Annual Newton Mayor’s Community Breakfast on Wednesday, May 25, 2022. Several hundred leaders and residents gathered for speeches, awards, and performances. The Reverend Baily and other representatives of the Newton Interfaith Clergy Association spoke about the importance of maintaining hope and building …

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Team of walkers in NHCC parking lot

NHCC Walkers team raises $2,000 to combat homelessness

Led by team captain and long-time Mission Committee activist Lynn Scheller, a peripatetic group of walkers gathered at NHCC on Saturday, May 14, 2022, for the Family Promise Walk to End Homelessness. The group ambulated two-plus miles to Crystal Lake and back. Other walkers were Ethan Bolker, Sally Brickell, Wendy Donnell, Ann Hulsing, Mildred Hutchinson, …

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meeting with laptop

Members called to Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 5

The NHCC Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, June 5, 2022, immediately after the worship service in the Great Hall. All NHCC members are asked to attend. Those who do not wish to attend in person will have the option to participate on Zoom. Join Annual meeting on Zoom.  Lay leaders, volunteer treasurer Jim Harper, …

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Community is Strength sign

Mayor’s Community Breakfast set for May 25

All are invited to attend the 48th annual Theodore D. Mann Newton Mayor’s Community Breakfast on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at 7:30 a.m. at the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Mount Ida Campus, in the Shaw Hall Courtyard. Purchase tickets. The Reverend Ken Baily serves on the planning committee on behalf of the Newton Interfaith Clergy …

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Mayor Fuller, Ken Baily, Rep. Ruth Balser, Rabbi Berry, another rabbi

Ken Baily’s 20 years at NHCC celebrated with service, reception

Members and friends gathered on Sunday, May 1, 2022, to express their gratitude for the Reverend Ken Baily’s 20 years of ministry at Newton Highlands Congregational Church. The Reverend Paul Shupe led the service, and the Reverend June Cooper assisted with communion. The service included a special litany written for the occasion, music from the …

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The Rev. Dr. Ken Baily

April 24 service features Mozart solo

The Sunday, April 24, 2022, service featured a vocal solo by soprano Amanda Ketchpaw Palés. She sang Allelulia from Exsultate, jubilate, written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). The Reverend Ken Baily preached that belief is a process, and that coming to believe is a journey. Christian believers have not missed out, he stated; Easter is …

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