Did you know that the Bible contains many different types of stories, including narratives, parables, and accounts of the lives of people in the past? The Bible also includes laws, poetry, wise sayings, and letters. Jesus’ teaching used familiar images in unfamiliar ways to help his disciples understand extraordinary and challenging events and to teach valuable lessons.
This month children are learning about parables and talking about how they relate to our lives now. On Sunday, March 9, children and youth will lead worship. We will share how relevant Jesus’ parables are to each one of us in our daily actions and in the world today.
Here is our schedule for February 2025.
- Sunday, February 2, 10:00 a.m., We continue to prepare for NHCC’s children and youth to lead worship on Sunday, March 9. Our worship theme will be exploring the parables Jesus taught his disciples and applying them to our daily life. We will return to participate in communion with our families. During the fellowship hour everyone is welcome to help make sandwiches for the Community Day Center of Waltham.
- Sunday, February 9, 10:00 a.m., We continue working together to lead worship on Children’s Sunday, on March 9.
- Sunday, February 16, 10:00 a.m., We continue working together to lead worship on Children’s Sunday, on March 9.
- Sunday, February 23, 10:00 a.m., We continue working together to lead worship on Children’s Sunday, on March 9.
Please contact us with any suggestions, questions, or ideas for the church school year, indicating that you would like to reach Director of Christian Education Wendy Donnell.
Christian Education Committee Members: Jacy Bird, Kessely Hong, Annie Ingram, Anna McMahan (Chair), Yvette Ruffin and Liz Simpson.