Welcome back to church school and nursery care!
Jesus calls us to embrace both the cost and promise of living in a faith community shaped and transformed by the Biblical stories and good work we do together. Because God is present in every situation, we can work with confidence through any challenges by helping one another to live as faithful disciples.
Here is our schedule for September 2024.
- Sunday, September 8, 10:00 a.m., Join us on Re-Covenant Sunday for an intergenerational service with children in the sanctuary. Rachel Donnell and Gabe Adorni will return to provide childcare at 9:50 a.m.
- Sunday, September 15, 10:00 a.m., We welcome back Megan Dillon as church school teacher for all ages. Children and youth begin in church school to make sandwiches for adults who are homeless at the Community Day Center of Waltham. Children will also assist by making handmade cards for the center. After church, we will celebrate and reconnect over ice cream. Bring a friend, invite a new family–all are welcome!
- Sunday, September 22, 10:00 am., We begin in worship and then gather for church school. During our time together we will renew our class covenant and enjoy “get to know you” activities that are fun and faith based.
- Sunday, September 29, 10:00 am., We begin in worship and then gather for church school. We will talk about our plans for the new church year, discuss upcoming mission projects, and exchange ideas about how to love and serve each other.
Please contact us with any suggestions, questions, or ideas for the new church school year. Be sure to ask for Wendy Donnell, Director of Christian Education, if you call or email us with our contact form. We look forward to seeing you!
Christian Education Committee Members: Jacy Bird, Kessely Hong, Annie Ingram, Anna McMahan (Chair), Yvette Ruffin and Liz Simpson.