New table graces narthex
The narthex’s new seating area got a bit of bling with a new brass-trimmed table added on October 6, 2023. Director of Christian Education Wendy Donnell angelically assisted with the assembly!
The narthex’s new seating area got a bit of bling with a new brass-trimmed table added on October 6, 2023. Director of Christian Education Wendy Donnell angelically assisted with the assembly!
The crowds were astonished at (Jesus’) teaching, for he taught…not as their scribes. Matthew 7:28 Dear Friends in Christ, Several dozen times in the four Gospels the people around Jesus are astonished or surprised by what he said. With good reason: his faith and focus were unique. This inspires the question, has anything about the …
Long-time member Randy Ellis will lead a two-part conversation about the origins and impact of racism in our churches, neighborhoods, and economy on Sunday, October 29, and Sunday, November 12, 2023, at 11:15 a.m. “Christian Commitments Confront Systemic Bias” will be held after worship at Newton Highlands Congregational Church, 54 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands, MA. …
Read more“Christian Commitments Confront Systemic Bias” program set for fall
On the first Sunday of each month the children and youth participate in a sandwich-making mission for the hungry. In the weeks following we will walk through parables in the Bible. There are many parables from Jesus in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. In church school we will learn how these parables describe …
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 Flat Jesus paused for a breather after his summer 2023 travels and took up temporary residence on a bulletin board in the Newton Highlands Congregational Church parlor. Thank you to Director of Christian Education Wendy Donnell for reminding congregants …
If there’s a through line to healing and hope today, it’s that we should know our past and work together for a brighter future. The Reverend Ken Baily Worshippers gathered for a linguistically diverse celebration of World Communion Sunday on October 1, 2023. The Reverend Ken Baily led communion along with Les Barnstone, Sanry Feng, …