In June 2022, Ms. Wendy Donnell attended a personal retreat at Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center in North Andover. Rolling Ridge is located in the woods 45 minutes north of Boston, on Lake Cochichewick. It is a 38-acre property with open space, hills, and trails, and offers space for gathering, reflection, and relaxation.
Stated Ms. Donnell, “I was invited to listen in on a group of people who were attending a program for teachers who work in Christian schools around the country. The seminar was offered by an organization called Christian Deeper Learning. Deeper Learning invites our teachers to be engaged in God’s story, equips them to play their unique role, and empowers them to apply knowledge and skills to produce real work that meets the real needs of real people.
“In the evening I was also invited to attend an outdoor firepit storytelling session during which we shared stories about where each of us find Jesus in our lives!
“Next year I may consider signing up for the 5-day conference. I learned a lot and brought back a lot of great information to share.”