June 18 service includes Bibles for 3rd graders, Circle of Blessing

God comes to us with unpredictable news in ways that shape our whole future.

The Reverend Dr. Ken Baily

The worship service at Newton Highlands Congregational Church (NHCC) on Sunday, June 18, 2023, included recognition for nursery caregivers Rachel Donnell and Gabe Adorni and church school teacher Megan Dillon; appreciation for nursery helpers Isabelle Baily, Elena Bird, Caleb Hong, and Gabe Hong; and the presentation of Bibles to a group of third graders.

In his sermon, “The Circles of Bravery,” the Reverend Ken Baily compared the Bible’s call to teach, proclaim, and give with NHCC’s Statement of Purpose, which begins as follows: “We are a community called by a loving God through Jesus Christ to worship, grow and serve.”

“Hope is a great word, but it needs action, through bravery,” to become meaningful, he explained. “Hope, bravery, and blessings make a great church.”

We are a community called by a loving God through Jesus Christ to worship, grow and serve.  From diverse paths, we come together on a journey of transformation, which brings us to accept ourselves and others as loved by God, and encourages honesty and respect in all our relationships.  These relationships provide a safe context in which, drawing upon scripture, experience, understanding, and Christian tradition, we explore our faith convictions and doubts.  Relying on God’s grace, our community gathers for worship, renewal and service, and sends us forth for bold and faithful ministry in our daily lives.
NHCC Statement of Purpose

Near the end of the service, congregants stood and formed a circle for the celebration of several milestones and prayers. Members of the senior choir were thanked. High school and college graduates Clara and Susanna Boberg, Sean Bryden, Lucy Gilbert, Gabe Hong, and Forrest Kaplan were acknowleged. The circle closed with the singing of the hymn “For Everyone Born.”

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