Fifth Sunday of Lent
Organ Prelude “Introduction” from Sonata in E minor (J. Rheinberger)
Congregational Welcome
Choral Introit “Create in Me a Clean Heart” (Thomas Keesecker)
Call to Worship
*Opening Hymn #275 God of Our Life
*Prayer of Preparation
One Voice: Near the climax of Lent, the longest Psalm— Psalm 119— includes this expression of faith: “With my whole heart I seek you… I treasure your word in my heart, so that I may not sin against you. Blessed are you, O God; teach me your statutes… I will delight in your decrees as much as in all riches.” Here today, as we prepare for palms and passion next week, let us pray to the God who calls us to receive the heart of faith.
All: Renewing God, throughout Lent we seek relief, repair, and reconciliation, to get ready for Easter. Throughout Lent we seek the ancient gifts that Jeremiah describes— a new heart, and that Jesus proclaims— being drawn together with all the world. We seek this for ourselves, but also so that we may spread it and share it with others: those who need relief and those who need blessing. So be with us this hour, that we may follow the ministry of hope in Christ’s name, and perceive the new heart that gives us life. Amen.
*Assurance of Grace
*Sung Response (Passion Chorale) O God of all the living, both banished and restored,
Compassionate, forgiving, our peace and hope assured.
Grant now that our transgressing, our faithlessness may cease.
Stretch out your hand in blessing, in pardon, and in peace.
*Sharing of Peace
One Voice: The Peace of Christ be always with you. All: And also with you!
The Gospel Reading John 12: 20-33
The Children’s Time Wendy Donnell & Lester Barnstone
*Hymn Response #367 Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love
(During the hymn children are invited to Church School)
The Hebrew Bible Jeremiah 31: 31-34
The Morning Meditation The Rev. Kenneth Baily
The Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
(Our father and mother…trespasses)
Call to Offering
Choral Offering “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say” (James Biery)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Christ the word in flesh born low,
Praise Holy Spirit evermore,
One God, Triune, whom we adore. Amen.
*Prayer of Thanksgiving
*Closing Hymn #339 Be Thou My Vision
*Assurance and Blessing
*Choral Benediction “Out of the Depths” (Thomas Keesecker)
Postlude “Finale” from Sonata in E minor (J. Rheinberger)
* Those who are able please stand
Each week during Lent Ken Baily will post two “cartoons” on the bulletin boards near the Parlor.
Take a look on your way to fellowship time. Perhaps they inspire discussion.
A Trinity of Missions: Last Sunday we welcomed one of the leaders of the Community Day Center of Waltham, who serve 10,000 meals per year. We send about 100 sandwiches each month. We also shared a free Nicaraguan meal, then invited donations to support programs in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. Today, we take a free-will offering for One Great Hour of Sharing. Once a year, across the country, to serve disaster and refugee missions through our UCC denomination.
(More here:
Is this a lot? Well, it’s a trinity of missions, and we invite everyone to help as you are able.
Holy Week Events: With next week’s Palm/Passion Sunday service begins Holy Week at NHCC. Our Maundy Thursday Supper and Devotion takes place on March 28 beginning at 6 PM, with a 6:15 meal in the Parlor. Our Good Friday Tenebrae service takes place at 7:30 in the Great Hall.
Thanks to worship leaders Ken Baily, Wendy Donnell, Les Barnstone, Jan Zimmerman, Yevgenia Semeina-Maroyan, Steve Harris, Christian Education, and Misha Hill.
Each Sunday, NHCC is blessed to be able to include remote members and friends in worship via YouTube and on our website. Our services are live streamed and recorded.
We don’t control who can watch or who can be seen. If you do not wish to have your likeness recorded, streamed, or photographed, please inform a greeter so you can be seated appropriately.
If you would like to be on our list to learn more about mission and ministry here,
if you would like to connect with our new member group, participate in adult education, church school or other events, and even make a donation — and if you have a smartphone,
please scan the qr code below and access plenty of our parish information.
(Also, you can talk to our reader or pastor, any day at all.)
“Question: What is the purpose of humankind?
Answer: To glorify God and enjoy God forever.”
— The Westminster Catechism