Morning Worship – 18 February 2024

First Sunday of Lent

Organ Prelude “Lenten Prelude” (J. Battishill)

Congregational Welcome
Choral Introit “Come Gracious Spirit” (Paul Sjolund)

Call to Worship
*Opening Hymn #81 Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days

*Prayer of Invocation and Confession (unison)
All: Gracious God of all creation, we pray that you be with us for the journey of Lent, even as we believe that you are always here. Now, O Holy Spirit, we ask for your presence in prayer, as our hope for this season. For in your presence and your way you grant us strength for repentance and renewal. Through Jesus, you draw our hearts and spirits to life beyond life. Yet we know that our world is not the way that you long for it to be just now. It is not the way your Christ conveys. For we are cautious and afraid. We are reckless with your gifts. We are broken. So in the path of Jesus’ cross and promise, of Jesus’ prayers and powers, free us and release us from all brokenness. Remind us of the graces and the gifts that you give, so that we might have your Spirit to worship, and to live fully in your way. Amen.

*Assurance of Forgiveness
*Sung Response (Passion Chorale)
O God of all the living, both banished and restored,
Compassionate, forgiving, our peace and hope assured.
Grant now that our transgressing, our faithlessness may cease.
Stretch out your hand in blessing, in pardon, and in peace.

*Sharing of Peace
One Voice: The Peace of Christ be always with you. All: And also with you!

The Hebrew Bible Genesis 9: 8-17

The Children’s Time Wendy Donnell
*Hymn Response #338 Kum ba Yah
(During the hymn children are invited to Church School)

The Gospel Reading Mark 1: 9-15

The Day’s Psalm (seated) #178 Lord, to You My Soul is Lifted

The Morning Meditation The Rev. Kenneth Baily

The Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
(Our father and mother…trespasses)

Call to Offering
Choral Offering “The Yearning” (Craig Courtney)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Christ the word in flesh born low,
Praise Holy Spirit evermore,
One God, Triune, whom we adore. Amen.

*Prayer of Thanksgiving
*Closing Hymn (insert) God Loved the World

*Assurance and Blessing
*Choral Benediction “Hear My Prayer” (Moses Hogan)

Postlude “Contemplation (C. Saint-Saëns)

* Those who are able please stand

Celebrate Music next Saturday: Bring a friend or a family member to celebrate the completion of our multi-year organ restoration: Saturday February 24th at 7 pm (in the sanctuary!).
The restoration is the gift of many members from our last Capital Campaign, “Opening Doors.”
The concert is free and open to all; meanwhile, because our beloved organist
Yevgenia Semeina-Maroyan has such deep connections to Ukraine — she played her first recital in Kiev — we will organize a fundraiser for ongoing and direct needs there.

Each week during Lent Ken Baily will post two “cartoons” on the bulletin boards near the Parlor.
Take a look on your way to fellowship time. Perhaps they inspire discussion.

Thanks to worship leaders Ken Baily, Wendy Donnell, Jan Zimmerman,
Yevgenia Semeina-Maroyan, Tannika Scott, Mission Committee, Peter Moore, and Misha Hill.

“I find that I experience God more than I believe in God;
and I experience God more as a verb than a noun.
By that I mean God is present when we serve others, work together,
share resources, love deeply, build community, and break down barriers…
God is the impulse that leads us to connect with others,
be compassionate and generous, to seek peace,
and to care for our neighbors and the natural world.”

— Andrea Ayvazian

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