Morning Worship: 26 June 2022

Third Sunday of Pentecost;

Our ongoing NHCC Birthday

Prelude Piece d’orgue (introduction)    J.S.Bach (1685-1750)

Congregational Welcome

Call to Worship

*Gathering Hymn No. 386 O For a World

*Prayer of Invocation and Hope

One voice: Psalm 77 includes these words: “I will call to mind the deeds of the Lord; I will remember your wonders of old. I will meditate on all your work, and muse on your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is holy. What god is so great as our God?” Let us pray together, how great thou art:

All: Gather us now, O God, for a time of praise and joy. Unite us for spiritual community, to share our bounty and burdens, and to celebrate how your Word moves from generation to generation and place to place. Open our hearts to awe, our eyes to wisdom, and our hands to service. Draw us to the wonders of eternity, and let us delight in Jesus’ way. We pray this as Christ’s Body, Amen.

*Assurance of Covenant

The Gospel Reading Luke 9: 51-62

The Children’s Time

*Hymn No. 229 From All that Dwell Below the Skies

(Children depart to sandwich-making during the hymn)

The Epistle Reading Galatians 5: 1, 13-25

The Morning Meditation Kenneth F. Baily

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer (Our father and mother… trespasses…)

*Hymn of Praise No. 467 How Great Thou Art, st. 1, 2 & 4


Postlude Piece d’orgue      J.S.Bach

* Those who are able please stand


We continue to create safe congregational assembly: to care for one another we wear masks (except for worship leaders at times) and our leaders are vaccinated.

We have a touch-free offering today. You may leave a gift in the basket, deliver an envelope after worship, go online, or any touch-free method you wish. If you are yet to make a pledge for the year beginning July 1, please do!

Thanks to worship leaders Kenneth Baily, Yevgenia Semeina,

Wendy Donnell, Joy Huber, Melissa Dietrich, Jeff Small & Misha Hill

NHCC is an Open and Affirming, Still Speaking congregation where all are welcome regardless of the divisions or separations that some in society would impose: whoever you are you are welcome in God’s house. “In Christ we are a new creation,” so we are blessed to be together in Christ’s name.

Newton Highlands Congregational Church, UCC

54 Lincoln Street, Newton, MA 617 527 3898

“I am looking forward enormously to getting back

to the sea again, where the overstimulated psyche can recover

in the presence of that infinite peace and spaciousness.”

— Carl Jung

“Loyalty to a petrified opinion never yet

broke a chain or freed a human soul.”

— Mark Twain

“To live without having a story is to be blind,

and to have a story without living is to be empty.”

Ivy Tillman

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