Hong family members light candles on second Sunday in Advent

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. Isaiah 11:6 Members Kessely and Gabe Hong lit Advent candles for the Sunday, December 4, 2022, service. The second week of Advent is the …

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Guitar player with two musicians in front of sanctuary

Christmas Carol Sing brightens season

Enthusiastic carolers gathered in the sanctuary on Sunday, December 4, 2022, to sing selected Christmas tunes. Thank you to Parker Mace, guitarist and confirmand; Yevgenia Semeina, organist; and Jan Zimmerman, interim music director, for providing musical accompaniment and vocal support! The event included a display of items to be sold or raffled off at the …

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gingerbread house in front of church sanctuary

Gingerbread house raffle will be highlight of Advent Market

A spectacular gingerbread house baked, constructed, and designed by NHCC member Michael Grieb will be featured at the Advent Market on Sunday, December 11, 2022. The house includes battery-powered lighting, clear windows, exterior detailing, and 15 fondant characters. Michael is a creative marketeer who has been building gingerbread houses for about six years. He quickly …

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gold stars hanging with lights

CE: Preparing the way this Christmas season

Pause, wonder, listen, and be transformed Amidst the voices of materialism, commercialism, and sentimentality that speak so loudly during this season, church school leaders offer the voice of God spoken through prophets and gospel writers. Many of us long to hear of God’s shalom and to celebrate the birth of Emmanuel. Join us as our …

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whiteboard with notes

Council brainstorms new ideas and invites collaborators

At its November 17, 2022, meeting, Council members responded to the Reverend Ken Baily’s invitation to consider the best things happening at NHCC, think about what may no longer be needed, and develop new ideas that will help NHCC increase engagement and build community. The church’s 150th anniversary year is an especially apt time to …

Read moreCouncil brainstorms new ideas and invites collaborators