The re-entry team reconvened on Zoom on February 22, 2021, to discuss plans for NHCC online and NHCC in person. This group continues to monitor community conditions, the guidance of other UCC churches, and the scientific recommendations of the Commonwealth.
Given current conditions, NHCC has no plans to fully re-enter the building in the immediate future, but the re-entry team will keep meeting regularly and providing updates. We look forward to returning to the building when it is safe by several metrics.
In the meantime, the deacons are planning several organ offerings during Lent, and CE will be running a traditional Easter egg hunt outdoors this year.
The technology team has purchased new equipment to prepare for a time when members and friends will have the choice whether to attend in-person worship or to watch a simultaneous broadcast of the service.
Many church leaders are working to help everyone stay connected through meetings, calls, and electronic communications, and Ken Baily and all NHCC staff are also conducting outreach efforts.
We are considering small-group discussions about desires for the future leading up to the Annual Meeting in June.
If you would like to help or to be connected with help, please contact us.