Stewardship 2025: Reflect, Redeem, Renew

Remember this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

What is stewardship?

Stewardship season is the time when Newton Highlands Congregational Church (NHCC) establishes its budget for the next fiscal year. Help us continue to be a gathering place that provides opportunities for reflection, redemption, and renewal by making your pledge on Sunday, March 30, 2025!

What happens when?

  • Stewardship 2025: March 2-March 30
  • March 30: Pledge Sunday
  • June 1: Budget Q&A
  • June 8: Annual Meeting

What’s the TLDR?

  • NHCC’s budget depends on a pledge–a commitment to give a certain amount of money to the church throughout the church year, from members and friends.
  • Almost all active NHCC members make an annual pledge. For FY 24, there were 52 pledge units, some of whom were not members. 
  • To avoid a deficit for FY 25, pledges need to be about 38 percent of the church budget. Fifty-seven percent comes from rental income and the endowment (in other words, past pledges and bequests), and the rest comes from various offerings. 
  • For 2025, with current figures, the church will have a budget deficit of about $25,000, or 4 percent. A 6 percent increase in pledge income from FY 2024 would cut the projected deficit in half. A 13 percent increase in pledges would eliminate the deficit, based on preliminary figures.

How do I pledge?

Either way, your can fulfill your pledge with an annual contribution or make quarterly, monthly, or weekly contributions toward your pledge.

Stewardship 2025 card

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