Sunday Worship: 6 February 2022

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Prelude Sonata #6, 1st. Movement      Ludwig van Beethoven

Welcome, Welcome Back

Call to Worship

*Opening Hymn (insert) You Are Called to Tell the Story

*Prayer of Invocation (unison)

God of all peoples and of diverse places, we gather this morning for the journey that seeks your stump, your star and your Spirit.

Even the Magi did not get where they wanted in a minute, so stick with us on our long journey. Stick with us who seek the presence of Christ, in order to go where He is, always and everywhere.

Along with our ancestors, we know that you are present in daily bread and holy hope. So we long for your leaven, light and life this season of hope. Forgive our diversions, distractions and doubts this Epiphany and help us rediscover the path to each other by following the path to you. Renew us in Christs light, redeem us in hope and rejoice with us in Jesus story.   Amen.

The Hebrew Bible Isaiah 6:1-8

The Vocal Solo Sing Ye A Joyful Song, Dvorak Amanda Ketchpaw

Gospel Reading Luke 5:1-11

The Morning Meditation Kenneth Baily

*Hymn No. 505 Be Known to Us

Celebration of Holy Communion

All:  For this table is spread for you and for me that we might know that God has come to us and shared our common lot and invited us to receive life anew.  Indeed, God has triumphed even over death.  So we come to this table for thanksgiving, for grace, for Gods presence, for peace.

Leader:  Let us unite our voices in preparation.  God be with you.

All:  And also with you.

Leader: Lift up your hearts. All:  We lift them up to God!

Leader: Let us praise God, saying

All: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might.  Heaven and earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in the Highest.  Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna in the highest.

Sharing of Communion Elements

Prayer of Thanksgiving

*Hymn (insert) I Love to Tell the Story


Postlude Variations in D major    Dmitry Kabalevsky

* Those who are able please stand


During this time of covid caution we welcome all to safe, cautious congregational assembly. It is good to worship together. To care for one another we wear masks

(except for worship leaders while they are speaking/singing) and all of our leaders are vaccinated. Cleaning has increased and we welcome your questions.

We have a touch-free offering today. That is, you may leave a gift in the basket, deliver an envelope after worship, send a gift via email or online,

or any touch-free method you wish.

Newton Highlands Congregational Church, UCC

54 Lincoln Street, Newton, MA 617 527 3898

Thanks to worship leaders Kenneth Baily, Wendy Donnell, Lynd Matt, Yevgenia Semeina, deacons Melissa Dietrich, Carol Jensen and Tony Rudié

NHCC is an Open and Affirming, Still Speaking congregation where all are welcome regardless of the divisions or separations that some in society would impose: whoever you are you are welcome in God’s house. “In Christ we are a new creation,” so we are blessed to be together in Christ’s name.

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