Twenty members and friends took the time to complete NHCC’s recent survey. Thank you to all participants!
Respondents’ length of association with NHCC broke down as follows:
- Fewer than 10 years: 6 people
- 10-20 years: 5 people
- 20-plus years: 9 people
Eighty percent of respondents indicated they attend Zoom worship services “Almost always.” Ten percent said they attend “Never.”
Asked about activities on Zoom, 82 percent said they would participate in a game event, 70 percent said they might attend adult education, and 64 percent expressed interest in a parent/child/family mission activity.

Looking at mission more closely, two-thirds of respondents had no favorite among the NHCC mission priorities, and 22 percent chose Feed the Hungry as their top priority. When asked which type of mission projects they would participate in, the answers broke down as follows:
- Donations of goods: 61 percent
- Monetary donations: 44 percent
- In person with Covid-19 precautions: 11 percent
- All of the above: 44 percent
Asked if they would attend events in the building, the majority of respondents said “Yes,” with a range of Covid-19 precautions.
To the open-ended question about their needs, respondents had a range of replies. Some were focused on a desire to be back in church, attending coffee hour and taking Communion. Some expressed a desire to help others, for example, by supporting community agencies or sending cards for outreach. A number expressed a wish for increased community connections. And several said they wanted to hear from diverse voices and think about religious and moral issues together.