Thank you for work beyond our walls!

If you notice our bulletin board, you’ll see a group of current “thank you” letters from our mission partners. These are thanks to you and your support of the parish. We set our outgoing gifts based on our pledges, so thanks for those pledges, too.

Just now we have thanks from a hospital in Haiti (with motorcyclists on the card), Church World Service, our United Church of Christ climate care, Rosie’s Place (shelter), and Newton Food Pantry, among others. There is also a note from Yale Divinity School. The gifts here range from $500 to just over $4000: this is a generous parish.

All our details are always in our Annual Report, and all our mission projects invite your guidance, ideas, and prayers. Looking for a way to share your gifts?  Contact the office, Kitty Rieske, or Ken Baily for information.

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