NHCC has formed a re-entry team to plan when and how various groups can begin safely using the building. Members include the pastor, director of Christian Education, administrator, treasurer, moderator, and one representative each from Buildings and Grounds, Christian Education, and Worship and Spiritual Life.
At their first meeting, team members established that in addition to hosting worship services, NHCC is also an educator of children and youth, an employer, and a landlord. The team talked about possibly hosting some outdoor services this summer, but otherwise not rushing to re-enter the building.
The team agreed to the following shared values:
- Preserve the health of staff, members, friends, visitors, tenants
- Return to services in sanctuary
- Engage adults, teens, children
- Maintain community even while offering diverse ways to connect
- Don’t split the congregation; serve the segments
Areas that may change include the following:
- Congregational practices: greeting, food, offering, spacing, etc.
- Building arrangements: occupancy, visitor monitoring, ventilation, spacing, cleaning, supplies, etc.
- Christian Education practices: size of classes, food, spacing, etc.
- Agreements with tenants