community choir flyer with dates

Seeking singers! NHCC Community Choir will lift voices this spring

Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts; his name is the LORD; exult before him! Psalm 68:4 Do you love to sing–or think you might with encouragement? Try your hand at singing choral music!  If you want to try out the Newton Highlands Congregational …

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NHCC worship service recognizes 5-year anniversary of Covid impact

On Sunday, March 16, 2025, the Reverend Ken Baily recalled the uncertainty and need for rapid change that accompanied the beginning of the Covid pandemic in March 2020. The service included a litany, standing, with memory and prayer. Remembers the Reverend Baily, “March of 2020 brought great changes to our parish, as well as our …

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Stewardship 2025 card

Stewardship 2025: Reflect, Redeem, Renew

Remember this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 What is stewardship? Stewardship season is the time when Newton Highlands Congregational Church (NHCC) establishes its budget for the next fiscal year. Help us continue to be a gathering place that provides opportunities …

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B&G approves work on platform in church sanctuary

With support from the Deacons Committee, the Buildings & Grounds Committee has approved work on a wooden platform on the front right side of the sanctuary at Newton Highlands Congregational Church. The work will include the following: Removing the wooden platform will make it much easier to move the heavy wooden baptismal font forward during …

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body of water with church spires in foreground

“The Meaning of Sanctuary”: Two-part conversation planned for March

The Reverend Dr. Ken Baily will lead a two-part conversation entitled “The Meaning of Sanctuary” on Sunday, March 16, and Sunday, March 23, after worship, at Newton Highlands Congregational Church, UCC. “Sanctuary is a personal, powerful place,” he stated. “It is a political, powerful term.” The Reverend Baily will explore the term in his sermon …

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Choir singing in pews

“All” receives attention during morning meditation

I, the Lord, search the heart, test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings. Jeremiah 17:10 Congregants gathered for worship at Newton Highlands Congregational Church on the cold, snowy morning of Sunday, February 16, 2025. The Reverend Dr. Ken Baily spoke about the removal of diversity, equity, …

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Stalwarts brave snowstorm to attend worship

The wrath of our fears is chastened when we experience God’s presence. The Reverend Dr. Ken Baily A small but hardy group of congregants gathered for worship at Newton Highlands Congregational Church, UCC, on Sunday, February 9, 2025, as a snowstorm departed Eastern Massachusetts. The Reverend Dr. Ken Baily, recently returned from a sabbatical, spoke …

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soul food dinner 2/7/25

Soul Food Dinner hits the spot

So then, my brothers and sisters, when you gather to eat, you should all eat together. 1 Corinthians 11:33 About 25 Newton Highlands Congregational Church, UCC, members and friends gathered for dinner in the church parlor on Friday, February 7, 2025, in honor of Black History Month.  Diners feasted on chicken wings, catfish strips, macaroni …

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Susan Cartmell preparing for communion

Sunday service led by the Reverend Cartmell includes Communion

Part of our journey is remembering who we are….Healing every day is a process of remembering how far we have come. The Reverend Dr. Susan Cartmell Congregants were invited to celebrate communion on Sunday, February 2, 2025. The Reverend Dr. Susan Cartmell, preaching for her last week during coverage for the Reverend Dr. Ken Baily, …

Read moreSunday service led by the Reverend Cartmell includes Communion