The Reverend Ken Baily standing before an open door to the sanctuary

March 20 service features postlude by Ukrainian composer

In the face of uncertainty there is nothing wrong with hope. Stephanie Matthews-Simonton The worship service on Sunday, March 20, 2022, included “Create in Me a Clean Heart,” by Thomas Keesecker, sung by the senior choir, and “Elegie,” by Ukrainian composer Mykola Lysenko, played on the piano by Yegvenia Semeina. The Reverend Ken Baily recalled …

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The Rev. Dr. Ken Baily

Second Sunday of Lent: Clear, connect, commit

In his sermon on Sunday, March 13, 2022, the Reverend Ken Baily spoke about the need to clear space in one’s life and to thoughtfully pause before refilling that space, considering adding elements like self-care, prayer, and social action. The hymns included “God is My Shepherd,” and the choir sang “Christ Be Beside Me,” composed …

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Plans to mark NHCC’s 150th year taking shape

The 150th anniversary of Newton Highlands Congregational Church will be celebrated in several ways in the spring of 2022. Jim Harper, Dennis Rieske, and Marianne Talis will speak during May worship services about several aspects of church history.  Historic information and photos will be added to the church website (, and graphic designer Lars Dietrich …

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The Reverend Ken Baily standing before an open door to the sanctuary

Transformation Sunday includes “Melody” from Ukraine

Worshippers gathered on Sunday, February 27, 2022, for prayer and reflection. The service included several musical selections, including two portions of Partita #6 by Johann Sebastian Bach; the anthem “I am Bound for the Kingdom,” sung by the senior choir; “A Song of Peace: A Patriotic Song,” which is a poem written by Lloyd Stone …

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Worshippers gather for Ash Wednesday service

A small group of worshippers gathered outside the main doors of Newton Highlands Congregational Church on Wednesday, March 2, 2022, for an Ash Wednesday service that marked the beginning of the Lenten season, the 40 days leading to Easter Sunday. Led by the Reverend Ken Baily, the service included the burning of palms from last …

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Join discussion of housing policy in Newton on March 7

An interfaith group will meet to continue discussing how to make Newton’s housing policies anti-racist on Monday, March 7, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., at Union Church (14 Collins Road, Waban). All are invited! Learn more about our local history as we organize for the future in a faithful manner that NHCC members are helping to …

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Mark Ash Wednesday outdoors on March 2 at 6:00 p.m.

NHCC will mark Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, on Wednesday, March 2, at 6:00 p.m., outdoors (weather permitting) at 54 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands. We will offer a brief palm burning, devotion, and imposition of ashes. During our 15 minutes of time together, we will recollect the meaning of Lent and join in song and …

Read moreMark Ash Wednesday outdoors on March 2 at 6:00 p.m.