Christian Education shares New Year’s message

December has been filled with exciting times at NHCC. First, the angel brought the news about a child named Jesus to Mary and Joseph. Mary’s cousin Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah also learned that they would be parents. Then angels announced Jesus’s birth to the shepherds. Magi traveled from a great distance to bring him …

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Families share Christmas message in video pageant

More than 50 households logged in to enjoy the world premiere of “Visiting Angels,” an up-to-the-minute video remake of NHCC’s beloved Christmas pageant, on Sunday, December 20, 2020. The video featured children, young adults, and even a few parents reviewing the events leading up to Jesus’s birth, and discussing the question, “How can God and Jesus …

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A nativity scene with wooden figures

Christian Education: an Advent journey for children

Advent — the word means “coming,” and it is a time for preparing for the birth of Jesus! Welcome to a time of preparing and looking forward to the coming celebrations of the birth of Jesus, the Christ Child. The prophet Isaiah told the people of Jesus’ coming. Isaiah told of the peace that Jesus …

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stained glass windows

Re-entry team shares update from November meeting

The re-entry team reconvened on Zoom on November 15, 2020, to discuss plans for NHCC online and NHCC in person. This group continues to monitor community conditions, the guidance of other UCC churches, and the scientific recommendations of the Commonwealth. Given current conditions, NHCC has no plans to fully re-enter the building in the immediate …

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Stacks of food

Volunteers provide food bags for Newton children

With support from the Mission Committee, volunteers Randy Ellis, Anita Fisher, Joy Huber, and Lynn Scheller bought food, notepads, and pencils, and assembled bags of after-school treats for children in Newton–using countertops in the newly renovated church kitchen.  The volunteers enclosed notes in the bags reading “from friends at Newton Highlands Congregational Church” and delivered …

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A younger man walks up the stairs with an older man

Aging Well with Family and Community series set for fall 2020

A conversation at Newton Highlands Congregational Church, UCC This October through December, NHCC will offer a four-part community conversation with expert speakers encouraging us to think about How we and our parents want to age How to access community resources How to take charge of our end-of-life decisions Too often, end-of-life decisions are made by …

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