CE: Popsicles, prayers, and plans

Welcome back to church school!

In the season after Pentecost we reflect on being the church in the world, on being a Christian community, and on living faithfully as disciples of Jesus. The season, sometimes called “Ordinary Time,” began at the end of May and continues through the end of November. It is a long season. It is a time of questioning and learning, of growth and change.

Calling out to God

In the first half of the season, we spent time thinking about God’s call to us. We fed, clothed, and walked to serve our friends in need. There is still much to do. In this second half of the season, many of the Bible stories are about people calling to God: calling for help, calling for justice, calling out their questions, calling out their prayers. Let’s gather every Sunday to help us call out to God and take action as needed.

Here is our schedule for September 2022.

  • Sunday, September 11, 10:00 a.m., Join us on Recovenant Sunday for an intergenerational service with children in the sanctuary. Nursery care for little ones will be available. Stay after worship for a real “cool” treat.
  • Sunday, September 18, 10:00 a.m., We begin our church school program by considering the connections between hearing God’s word and acting on it. Our relationship with God–and the infusion of God’s generous Spirit in our lives–sets the stage for our faithful response. Do you pray? Do you help others? What do you do about God’s love?
  • Sunday, September 25, 10:00 am., Rosh Hashanah begins on Monday, September 26. Did you know this is one of the two High Holy Days that arrive each fall? The other is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Rosh Hashanah is often referred to as the birthday of the world. It’s a time to reflect, sing, pray, and gather with loved ones. Join us as we learn more about the Jewish New Year and, of course, eat delicious apple treats and challah. 

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