Children and adults worked in various configurations over several days to cook, assemble, and distribute Thanksgiving 2022 dinners for 12 famliies under the auspices of the Mission Committee, led by Kitty Rieske; and Newton Food Pantry. NHCC also gave each family a $25 gift card for condiments.
Individuals contributed meals from home. Thank you to Karen Barnstone, Sally Brickell, Margaret Clermont, Wendy Donnell, Isabelle Draper, Randy Ellis, Joy Huber, Anita Fisher, Holly Grieb, Theresa Hajer, Erica Hodes, Marianne Louderback, Ted Palés, Amanda Ketchpaw Palés, Marian Reynolds, and Kitty Rieske.
Children and youth enthusiastically baked 10 pies in the NHCC kitchen, and the confirmation class faithfully roasted two turkeys at the parsonage on Sunday, November 20, 2022. Thank you to Director of Christian Education Ms. Wendy Donnell and the Reverend Ken Baily, along with volunteers Sally Brickell and Keirsten Lawton, and Christian Education Committee members Anna McMahan and Yvette Ruffin.
Volunteers handed out the meals at the church on Monday, November 21. Thank you to Ethan Bolker, Ann Hulsing, and Lynn Scheller.

So proud to be a part of the mission to feed the hungry! Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers. We can’t do it without you 💖