With contributions of food, funds, and volunteer time, members and friends provided meals and gift cards to 10-12 local families on Monday, November 22, 2021. Children and youth helped out by making cards and cooking cranberry sauce. This team effort was sponsored by the Mission Committee at the request of Newton Food Pantry.
Thank you to Ken Baily, Karen and Les Barnstone, Sally Brickell, Bill Cordts, Melissa Dietrich, Wendy Donnell, Isabelle Draper, Randy Ellis and Joy Huber, Anita Fisher, Erica Hodes, Susan Fast, Holly Grieb, Theresa Hajer, Hope Wallace Hill, Ann Hulsing, Yumiko Matsuoka, Liz Ramos, Marian Reynolds, Kitty Rieske, and Lynn Scheller. Apologies to any helpers missing from this list!