seed pod

Pledge for NHCC’s stewardship campaign before Annual Meeting

A sower went to sow some seeds Luke 8:5 NHCC’s annual stewardship campaign, “Sowing Seeds of Hope,” is underway and we invite members and friends to participate as generously as possible so we can keep our church strong and share with our neighbors. NHCC has sent two mailings with information about the campaign, and the …

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Hot off the presses: Annual Report 2020-21, treasurer’s reports

On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.  Matthew 16:18 Church staff, committee chairs, and other church leaders have labored to summarize their many activities from the past year in written form. Thanks to the publishing efforts of Sarah Eberly, office administrator, the Annual Report …

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Members called to Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 6; informational meeting set for May 30

The NHCC Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, June 6, 2021, immediately after the worship service. All NHCC members and friends are invited! Lay leaders, volunteer treasurer Jim Harper, and staff have been begun preparing for the meeting, and a PDF of the annual report will be available beforehand. Please note the following dates: …

Read moreMembers called to Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 6; informational meeting set for May 30

stained glass windows

Re-entry team shares March 2021 update

The re-entry team reconvened on March 31, 2021, to continue assessing the church’s plans in light of current health conditions. Reverend Ken Baily and Director of Christian Education Wendy Donnell shared ideas for several outdoor activities on Easter. The team also discussed the following: Technology has been updated to permit better sound for virtual services …

Read moreRe-entry team shares March 2021 update