Aug. 30, 2020 Worship Service
Worship service led by Anna McMahan and Keirsten Lawton.
September Office Schedule
Regular office hours resume on September 8; office staff will be available 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. We will hold a Zoom “office hour” on Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00 a.m. for face-to-face meetings with Sarah. Join here. Meeting ID: 876 2831 7968 Passcode: Office We always get email and regularly check phone messages.
Refuge and Strength into 2021 — thank you
At our Annual Meeting June 7 we approved the mission and ministry budget, with a roughly $11,000 deficit (after a very large surplus this year). Our stewardship is always an act of faith: we plan before we seek support; that’s the way of churches. Thank you and thank God, we made it and closed the …
Sanctuary Re-Entry, here and there
All are invited to a socially distant visit to the sanctuary, with organ music, on September 13, 2020–Re-Covenant Sunday. A good group turned out for a similar event on August 23. Here are some other events coming up: September 20: Indoor music on our traditional Church School start up day. We’ll share popsicles outside at NHCC after …
Summer worship leaders bring variety, personal insights
What did we do in July and August? We stayed healthy, we encouraged safety and we planned for ministry. Lay leaders met regularly to follow guidelines, follow the call of faith and plan for the future, including Re-Entry. Worship attendance was up for summertime (well — summertime worship is often modest) and we heard from …
Read moreSummer worship leaders bring variety, personal insights
Message from the pastor
“What are you doing here?” — 1 Kings 19:13 Friends in Christ, In every season scripture supports me. I don’t take it literally but we do discover truth there. Some of it is historical and proven beyond its binding, and plenty of it is not only poetic but powerful. It reveals things about humans and …
Christian Education makes plans for September
Welcome! It is time to Get Up and Go! September marks the beginning of a new Church School year at NHCC. Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 AM and learn more of God’s stories. We are all on a new journey this Fall. For some, the journey may be like an adventure, full of fun, …