Watch for seeds of hope: NHCC launches annual stewardship campaign

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.

2 Corinthians 9:10

Grateful for the church’s steady and enriching presence in your life during the challenging time we have endured due to Covid-19? Now is the time to express your gratitude! NHCC’s annual stewardship campaign, “Sowing Seeds of Hope,” is underway.

Our church program and budget year runs through June 30, when the new one starts. We’ve made it through the last year, thank God. And thanks to you.

Plans for our next year begin May 9. Watch for testimonies, letters, Zoom gatherings and even personal contacts.  What do we ask? We ask that you help us plant seeds of hope, for hope. God invites all of us to share, love our neighbors and offer a place of worship and for all that we ask for your support and guidance. Thank you again.

Members and friends are asked to support NHCC’s operations and mission work with an annual donation or pledge. Pledging now will enable NHCC leaders to plan for the upcoming year and develop a budget for FY 21-22. The budget will be approved at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 6, 2021.

Contact us to make your pledge. Thank you for your support!

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