NHCC changed in October. Our eldest, longest-term member — Helen Hoffman — died peacefully after two days in the hospital, which is modest in her 37,200 day life. She spent many, many of these days here in our church teaching, worshipping, leading programs, laughing often and making sure that flowers and decorations were done just right. We gathered out of doors at the Cambridge Cemetery on October 2 giving thanks to God and honoring Helen’s deep faith and compassion.
October 3 ten canines (a record?) came to the front of the lawn for our animal blessing in honor of St. Francis and in recognition of God’s love for all creature and all creation. The very next day we celebrated World Communion Sunday with eight languages all spoken by members of the family here at NHCC — what a blessing. After worship we held a Congregational Meeting with well over a quorum: folks stayed on for some basic business and celebration (see the Hulsing Newhall note below).
Our series on Aging Well began (on zoom) and continues in November and December; you can come to one or all.
October brought Reformation Sunday, a prompt to remember that we are always reforming, and the month ends with a Halloween event with safe treats and spooky music, played by Yevgenia Semeina on our organ.