Attendees were greeted with green and gold balloons and green mints on Pledge Sunday (May 21, 2023), at Newton Highlands Congregational Church. Stewardship Committee member Randy Ellis shared reasons for providing financial and volunteer support to the church.
Clerk Susan Gilbert read the warrant for the Annual Meeting to be held on June 4, 2023.
In his message, the Reverend Ken Baily spoke about the need for across-the-board engagement to enable the church to continue to be a place to search for God and grow together.
“Ours is a congregation of lay people leading mission and ministry,” he stated. “The church does not live by prayer alone. We need gifts and support.”
The theme of the 2023 stewardship campaign is “Visible, Viable, and Valuable.” Gifts are much needed and continue to be gratefully accepted. Pledge online with a recurring donation.