Volunteers provide food bags for Newton children

With support from the Mission Committee, volunteers Randy Ellis, Anita Fisher, Joy Huber, and Lynn Scheller bought food, notepads, and pencils, and assembled bags of after-school treats for children in Newton–using countertops in the newly renovated church kitchen. 

The volunteers enclosed notes in the bags reading “from friends at Newton Highlands Congregational Church” and delivered 36 bags to Centre Street Food Pantry over several weeks in October. Each bag will be given to a child whose family picks up food at the food pantry.

Board member Cathy Boskey wrote, “Thanks so much for the additional 18 bags that Newton Highlands Congregational Church brought to the pantry today. We so appreciate your congregation’s generosity. Please thank everyone at the church for us – the donations have made a big difference!”

Thank you to all who participated!

See the food here.

Sorted food

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