As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
1 Peter 4:10
What is stewardship?
Stewardship season is the time when Newton Highlands Congregational Church (NHCC) establishes its budget for the next fiscal year. Help us continue to be a gathering place that provides opportunities for both contemplation and community by making your pledge on Sunday, May 12, 2024!
What happens when?
- Stewardship 2024: April 28 to May 12
- May 12: Pledge Sunday
- May 26: Budget Q&A
- June 2: Annual Meeting
What’s the TLDR?
- NHCC’s budget depends on a pledge–a commitment to give a certain amount of money to the church throughout the church year, from members and friends.
- Almost all active NHCC members make an annual pledge. For FY 24, there were 52 pledge units, some of whom were not members.
- To avoid a deficit for FY 25, pledges need to be about 38 percent of the church budget. Fifty-seven percent comes from rental income and the endowment (in other words, past pledges and bequests), and the rest comes from various offerings.
- For 2025, with current figures, the church will have a budget deficit of about $25,000, or 4 percent. A 6 percent increase in pledge income from FY 2024 would cut the projected deficit in half. A 13 percent increase in pledges would eliminate the deficit, based on preliminary figures.
How do I pledge?
Pledge online with a recurring donation, or watch for a pledge card in the mail, and mail it or bring it to church on Pledge Sunday (May 12). Either way, your pledge can be an annual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly contribution.
What do members value about our church?
Members Annie Ingram, Diane Basemera, and Marian Reynolds spoke recently in worship about what drew them to NHCC.