Blessing of Our Animals “packed” with canines
Eight people-pet families gathered outdoors on Saturday, October 3, 2020, for a blessing conducted by Reverend Ken Baily. Ken wished each group well and celebrated the human-canine bond.
Eight people-pet families gathered outdoors on Saturday, October 3, 2020, for a blessing conducted by Reverend Ken Baily. Ken wished each group well and celebrated the human-canine bond.
Members and friends met on Zoom on Sunday, October 4, 2020, to take care of business items that have arisen since the annual meeting in June. Here are the key results, in order of praiseworthiness.
Want to make a personal difference by providing food for hungry people? We need volunteers to collect bread in Newton and deliver it to NHCC or to Pilgrim Church in Dorchester. All you need is a car and a little time! Since 2004, NHCC volunteers have been picking up bread from Whole Foods Market in …
Because worship services are online, NHCC has a new banner–for the time being.
Under the auspices of Centre Street Food Pantry, the Mission Committee is assembling 15-20 bags of after-school treats for children in Newton in October. Contact us if you are interested in helping or donating.
A socially distant outdoor service in memory of long-time NHCC member Helen Hoffman will be held on Friday, October 2, 2020, at 1:00 p.m., at Cambridge Cemetery, 76 Coolidge Avenue, in Cambridge, MA. Helen died peacefully on September 25, 2020, at the impressive age of 101. She was NHCC’s oldest, most long-term member. We believe …
Read moreService for Helen Hoffman to be held October 2, 2020
The Blessing of our Animals will take place on Saturday, October 3, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. (This was previously scheduled for Sunday.) Please contact us if you would like to participate so we can prepare, pray, and be present to one another safely, out of doors.
Welcome! Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 AM and learn more of God’s stories. We are all on a new journey this fall. For some, the journey may be like an adventure, full of fun, surprises, and new discoveries. For others, the journey may be filled with anxiety and a profound loss and disconnection from …
All members and friends are called to a brief (30 minutes) congregational meeting after the Zoom worship service on Sunday, October 4, 2020. We will Receive the final Treasurer’s Report (the year ended June 30, after our Annual Meeting) Accept the Auditor’s Report Receive a brief update/report from our Senior Housing Committee Discuss any other …
Read moreCongregational meeting to be held Sunday, October 4, 2020
All are invited to a socially distant visit to the sanctuary, with organ music, on September 13, 2020–Re-Covenant Sunday. A good group turned out for a similar event on August 23. Here are some other events coming up: September 20: Indoor music on our traditional Church School start up day. We’ll share popsicles outside at NHCC after …