teens sitting on wall

Confirmation info session set for October 30, 11:20 a.m.

If someone in your orbit is in 8th, 9th, or 10th grade and wants to learn more about our rite of passage into adult membership at NHCC, save 30 minutes after worship on Sunday, October 30, for a brief introduction in the Great Hall. The Reverend Ken Baily will describe the process, answer questions, and …

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Members vote to sell parsonage at fall meeting

NHCC’s fall congregational meeting on October 23, 2022, drew a strong turnout. Members gathered in the church parlor and also had the option to participate via Zoom. Attendees voted to accept the report of Auditor Peter Moore, approve the report of Treasurer Jim Harper, and accept a nominating slate. The meeting continued with a recap …

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smiling woman in front of piano in NHCC parlor

Jan Zimmerman joins NHCC staff as interim music director

Ms. Zimmerman, DMA, received her Doctorate of Musical Arts in Vocal Performance at the University of Connecticut and her Master of Music in Vocal Performance from the Boston Conservatory.  She is an avid performer, teacher, and music director. As a performer, she has sung operatic roles such as Lady Billows (Albert Herring), The Grand Duchess (The …

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smiling faces at a Zoom meeting

Nominating reps work to fill committee roles

Assembled by moderator Sally Brickell, committee representatives met on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, to make a plan for filling several positions. Participants were Les Barnstone (Buildings & Grounds), Misha Hill (at large), Yumiko Matsuoka (Worship & Spiritual Life), Kitty Rieske (Mission), and Yvette Ruffin (Christian Education). The nominating process, which normally takes place before the …

Read moreNominating reps work to fill committee roles

smiling woman in front of piano in NHCC parlor

Sunday service features new interim music director, blanket appeal

It doesn’t have to be the blue iris, it could be weeds in a vacant lot, or a few small stones; just pay attention, then patch a few words together and don’t try to make them elaborate, this isn’t a contest, but the doorway into thanks, and a silence in which another voice may speak. …

Read moreSunday service features new interim music director, blanket appeal

stained glass windows

CHAPEL Committee makes masks optional

NHCC’s newly-named CHAPEL (Congregational Health and Pandemic/Endemic Living) Committee–formerly the Re-Entry Team–met after a hiatus to affirm its recent decision to make masks optional at NHCC as of October 2, 2022. Per the committee, Covid-19 vaccination continues to be required for NHCC staff. Committee members will keep tabs on local and state health guidelines in …

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