Children’s Sunday at Newton Highlands Congregational Church returned, to the delight of church families, on April 28, 2024.
The special service–missing from the church calendar during the Covid-19 pandemic–was planned by Director of Christian Education Wendy Donnell with help from church school teacher Megan Dillon and the Christian Education Committee (Jacy Bird, Kessely Hong, Anna McMahan, Yvette Ruffin, and Liz Simpson).
Church youth read scripture during the service. One spoke about his experience working in the church nursery, and another spoke about her volunteer work at Newton Food Pantry.
Church school children of all ages performed a dramatic version of the book Stone Soup, illustrating the power of community. The rendition included a cameo by the Reverend Ken Baily; he added garlic to the soup pot.

The service also featured guest musicians Rebecca Riopelle (vocalist) and Karen Sarkisian (guitarist) performing “The Gospel According to Luke” (Skip Ewing and Don Sampson).
The Community Choir (NHCC’s senior choir and interested guests) sang “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” (Wilberg).
Council member Rich Bryden hosted fellowship time after the service and served delectable treats prepared by Yoko Bryden.