We live in a world of continuous possibility. God continually invites us to go on through the veil of this world to the light.
The Reverend Dr. Richard Chrisman
The Reverend Dr. Richard Chrisman led the Newton Highlands Congregational Church (NHCC) worship service on Sunday, May 19, 2024. The Reverend Chrisman served as the long-term interim at Eliot Church UCC in Newton Corner. Prior to that he was a chaplain at Princeton, Tufts, and Skidmore.
Pentecost, considered the birthday of the Christian church, takes place on the 49th day after Easter. It is a celebration of the day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, causing them to speak in tongues. On Pentecost, Christian churches complete the trinity, consisting of God the creator, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. According to the Reverend Chrisman, “Pentecost is a happy celebration of our freedom in Christ.”
In his meditation, the Reverend Chrisman spoke about the Pentecostal experience of writer James Baldwin (1924-1987), which Baldwin wrote about in Go Tell It on the Mountain.
The service included a children’s message by Director of Christian Education Wendy Donnell.
Festive red paraments, newly arrived, decorated the pulpit.

Organist Yevgenia Semeina played a stirring postlude.