NHCC congregants gather for al fresco coffee hour
Members and friends gathered outside for coffee hour on Sunday, October 3, 2021.
Members and friends gathered outside for coffee hour on Sunday, October 3, 2021.
Reverend Holly MillerShank joined Reverend Ken Baily and other multilingual NHCC members and friends to celebrate World Communion Sunday on October 3, 2021. Reverend MillerShank most recently served as interim associate conference minister for the Southern New England Conference, covering the Metropolitan Boston and Northeast Associations, United Church of Christ. She is a native of Central Pennsylvania, and she was baptized, …
Read moreGuest preacher Holly MillerShank celebrates World Communion Sunday on October 3
All NHCC members are called to a short congregational meeting after worship on Sunday, October 17, 2021. This meeting will be live and in person as well as on Zoom (not YouTube). The meeting will include updates on Covid care, staff conditions, and a proposal about renovating or perhaps releasing the parsonage. The October meeting is usually under …
“Back to Abnormal” Tour title for Trevor Noah Friends in Christ, Noah and Namaah were changed by the flood. Moses and Miriam were changed by the plagues. Everyone around him was changed by the Good News as well as the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. If we have not been changed by the last nineteen …
If all goes well on October 17 we’ll vote on what to do with our parsonage at NHCC. We have an official Congregational Meeting on October 17, 2021, and should have a proposal before us. Likely we’ll ask, shall we finish the conversion idea or shall we sell the parsonage and move to a new …
In unprecedented times we’re all making adjustments. Worship and church school operate with spacing and other safe practices, and we want all of our members and friends to know that our staff is as safe to be around as possible. Therefore our Council voted on a vaccination policy unanimously on September 16, 2021. Staff must receive …
Who are the needy in your community? When have you been asked to help someone in need? What did you (or did you not) do? What might be your answer to the question, “Is it really possible to give freely without judgment, no matter the circumstances?” Here is our schedule for October 2021. October 3: World …
Want to help Feed the Hungry–a top NHCC mission priority according to our 2020 survey? Simply assemble a bag of child-friendly foods for Centre Street Food Pantry’s Kids’ Club and drop off the bag. Even young children will enjoy choosing the items. Next drop-off date is Monday, October 25, 2021, 10:00-11:00 a.m., on Furber Lane, around …
Read moreSupport local families with child-friendly mission activity
Under the leadership of Wendy Donnell, director of Christian education, the Christian Education Committee has decided to set up the church nursery in the former youth room. This will keep NHCC from having to share space with tenant Pine Village Preschool, which poses cleaning concerns due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The new nursery, lovingly set …
Reverend Ken Baily attended an outdoor Q&A with Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren on Saturday, September 25, 2021, in the hope of asking a question about plans for Afghan refugees. Other local speakers included Mayor Ruthanne Fuller, State Representative Ruth Balser, and Congressman Jake Auchincloss. Although the size of the crowd prevented Reverend Baily from asking …