A message from the pastor

“Are we there yet?” Road trip Entire courses in divinity school, psychology semesters and, of certainty, family trips engage this question. We speak it about coronavirus quarantine. Maybe even in marriages. When will we be at our destination? This is also Easter’s inquiry and assertion. Is Good Friday the end or the beginning of the journey? Is Easter? When will …

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Black Lives Matter sign on NHCC lawn

Christian anti-racism group shares resources, plans meeting on April 18, at 4:30 p.m.

The Christian anti-racism group that met for four Sundays during Lent plans to continue meeting once a month with rotating leadership. The group will explore taking action in conjunction with local community groups, area churches, and the City of Newton. New members are welcome! The next Zoom meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 18, 2021, …

Read moreChristian anti-racism group shares resources, plans meeting on April 18, at 4:30 p.m.

Choral group gathers to record seasonal music

Several members of the NHCC Choir met on Saturday, March 20, 2021, to record music to be used in worship services during Holy Week and Easter. Organist Yevgenia Semeina accompanied the singers.   Although the full choir is not currently rehearsing due to Covid-19, members do meet on Zoom every other Wednesday to stay in touch. …

Read moreChoral group gathers to record seasonal music

rake and hoe

Volunteers needed for spring clean-up session on Saturday, April 24

Grab your rake and join us to spruce up the NHCC grounds (54 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands) on Saturday, April 24, 2021, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. We will freshen up the property in preparation for spring. Please wear a mask, dress for yard work, and bring a rake, snow shovel, and work gloves if …

Read moreVolunteers needed for spring clean-up session on Saturday, April 24


Early birds: NHCC to begin Easter with sunrise service; Easter egg hunt and Zoom worship will follow

Please save the date for an Easter sunrise service on Sunday, April 4, 2021, at 6:10 a.m. The service will be held at Livingston Cove, which is at the west end of Crystal Lake near the intersection of Lake Avenue and Lakewood Road, about four blocks east of Newton Highlands Congregational Church. The sunrise service …

Read moreEarly birds: NHCC to begin Easter with sunrise service; Easter egg hunt and Zoom worship will follow

Family Promise logo

Family Promise Metrowest-Campaign for Change

As many of you know, NHCC has been a strong supporter of Family Promise Metrowest (FPM) for many years. The mission of FPM “is to transform the lives of families with children facing homelessness by mobilizing a diverse community to provide shelter, education, and comprehensive support.” To support this mission, there are 2-3 fundraisers each …

Read moreFamily Promise Metrowest-Campaign for Change

open bible with leaves on top

Reverend Baily’s message to Newton Inter-Faith Clergy Association

On March 11, Reverend Ken Baily sent the following message to the Newton Inter-Faith Clergy Association, where he is co-president: Dear Colleagues, On the morning of March 11th, one year ago, many of us gathered at Temple Shalom to hear details of the coming coronavirus from the Newton Health Department. By that day 30 people …

Read moreReverend Baily’s message to Newton Inter-Faith Clergy Association