Connecting with Jesus
Jesus came to show God’s love by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, preaching, and teaching. During Lent we learn that Jesus put God’s love into action despite the challenges he would endure.
We connect with Jesus because he was a good human being. He was deeply interested in people and relationships. He showed warm concern for his followers and friends–men, woman, and children. Jesus’ love for people is good news for all of us. Each one of us has an opportunity to respond to Jesus in faith, action, and prayers.
Putting God’s love into action
Mission and Christian Education will continue to sell boxes of soup to support World Central Kitchen through Sunday, April 3. We are busy packing up clothing donations for local families in need. Our Clothes for Community drive continues through Sunday, April 24.
Here is our schedule for April 2022.
- Sunday, April 3, 10:00 a.m., Gather to help sort and fold all donated clothes or make loving cards for church friends we miss! Later we will join our families for communion.
- Sunday, April 10, 10 a.m., Palm Sunday. Jesus performed many miracles. The news about how he healed many and his remarkable teachings spread quickly. So the crowds shouted joyful praise when they saw him. Hosanna! Save us now! To further celebrate Jesus, we have a surprise: Come watch us make a huge pretzel, and take home a pretzel to remind you of the importance of prayer.
- Sunday, April 17, Jesus Has Risen!: Easter sunrise service at Crystal Lake at 6:00 a.m, egg hunt on the church lawn at 9:30 a.m., and a glorious intergenerational worship service at 10:00 a.m.
- Sunday, April 24, 10:00 a.m., It is school vacation time, so come for games, activities, and fun community building during worship.