At our Annual Meeting June 7 we approved the mission and ministry budget, with a roughly $11,000 deficit (after a very large surplus this year). Our stewardship is always an act of faith: we plan before we seek support; that’s the way of churches.
Thank you and thank God, we made it and closed the deficit. Wow and whew.
Among our priorities and clearly in our call this past June was not to cut, not to furlough and not to pull back from mission. At least until next June we can keep that faith.
In broad terms, our operating budget is just over $500,000; we receive about $200,000 from the building and we raised about $200,000 from our members and friends, as in our Annual Report.
It’s still hard to predict how our ministry will proceed. Thank you for your prayerful support of Refuge and Strength for seasons to come.