seed pod

Watch for seeds of hope: NHCC launches annual stewardship campaign

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. 2 Corinthians 9:10 Grateful for the church’s steady and enriching presence in your life during the challenging time we have endured due to Covid-19? Now is the time to …

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woman walking in sunlight

NHCC leaders joining ranks of vaccinated

Reverend Ken Baily and Director of Christian Education Wendy Donnell are in the process of getting vaccinated against Covid-19. They invite others in the NHCC community to join them in taking this step, per public health guidelines. For more information on the COVID vaccine, go to Track your health after you get vaccinated by …

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A message from the pastor

“Are we there yet?” Road trip Entire courses in divinity school, psychology semesters and, of certainty, family trips engage this question. We speak it about coronavirus quarantine. Maybe even in marriages. When will we be at our destination? This is also Easter’s inquiry and assertion. Is Good Friday the end or the beginning of the journey? Is Easter? When will …

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Black Lives Matter sign on NHCC lawn

Christian anti-racism group shares resources, plans meeting on April 18, at 4:30 p.m.

The Christian anti-racism group that met for four Sundays during Lent plans to continue meeting once a month with rotating leadership. The group will explore taking action in conjunction with local community groups, area churches, and the City of Newton. New members are welcome! The next Zoom meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 18, 2021, …

Read moreChristian anti-racism group shares resources, plans meeting on April 18, at 4:30 p.m.