people with arms clasped in a circle

NHCC celebrates June milestones with annual Circle of Blessings

Teachers, musicians, and volunteers will be thanked, and educational milestones will be celebrated at the annual Circle of Blessings at Newton Highlands Congregational Church on Sunday, June 18, 2023. The service will include recognition for Christian education staffers Gabe Adorni, Megan Dillon, and Rachel Donnell, and members of the senior choir. High school and college …

Read moreNHCC celebrates June milestones with annual Circle of Blessings

thumbnails of four rental spaces

Rental spaces pages transformed on NHCC website

After a monthslong effort by Neil Johnson of Cadent, web consultant to Newton Highlands Congregational Church; Randy Ellis, chair of the Buildings & Grounds Committee; and Sally Brickell, moderator, the rental spaces pages on have been updated and expanded as of June 2023. The main rental spaces page includes general information and clickable thumbnails …

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Village Day logo

NHCC, Parish of St. Paul, and NewCity Church unite for Village Day service

Congregants from NewCity Church and the Parish of St. Paul met on Sunday, June 11, 2023, for a joint Newton Highlands Village Day service at Newton Highlands Congregational Church. The service featured readers from all three churches and a rousing sermon celebrating dynamic women of the Bible by Katie Scott of NewCity Church. Children from …

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Juneteenth flyer, June 19, 2023, Hyde Playground

Black history, church history, and making history: Come back for Juneteenth

On Monday, June 19, 2023, from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m., gather at the Hyde Playground just down Lincoln Street for a city-wide (and nationwide) celebration of the day of liberation. This special event will include food, music, and children’s activities. Bring your own story and begin a new story. Juneteenth commemorates the emancipation of …

Read moreBlack history, church history, and making history: Come back for Juneteenth

Peter Boberg, annual meeting, angel wings

Annual Meeting 2023 includes heavenly beings, looks at the past and future, and pizza

Newton Highlands Congregational Church wrapped up 2022-23 with a congregational meeting in the Great Hall on June 4, 2023. The meeting began shortly after the worship service with a pizza-based potluck lunch. Committee chairs; key volunteers; and Ken Baily, senior pastor; Wendy Donnell, director of Christian education; and Jan Zimmerman, music director, provided summaries of …

Read moreAnnual Meeting 2023 includes heavenly beings, looks at the past and future, and pizza

Pledge Sunday invites financial support for church

Attendees were greeted with green and gold balloons and green mints on Pledge Sunday (May 21, 2023), at Newton Highlands Congregational Church. Stewardship Committee member Randy Ellis shared reasons for providing financial and volunteer support to the church. Clerk Susan Gilbert read the warrant for the Annual Meeting to be held on June 4, 2023. …

Read morePledge Sunday invites financial support for church

High school senior Susanna Boberg to hold recital on June 4 at 4:30 p.m.

Susanna Boberg, who is finishing her clarinet studies at New England Conservatory as she graduates from high school, will be performing a Senior Recital on Sunday, June 4, 2023, at 4:30 p.m., to benefit Newton Food Pantry. The concert will be held at Newton Highlands Congregational Church, 54 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands, MA. The concert will …

Read moreHigh school senior Susanna Boberg to hold recital on June 4 at 4:30 p.m.

floral inviation to NICHE gala

All invited to NICHE Spring Celebration on Tuesday, May 23, 6:30 p.m.

Newton Interfaith Coalition for Housing Equity (NICHE) invites the community to its annual Spring Celebration on Tuesday, May 23, at 6:30 p.m., at Union Church in Waban (14 Collins Road, Newton). The event is free of charge, but donations are appreciated. NICHE advocates for affordable housing in Newton, and anyone interested in learning more is welcome …

Read moreAll invited to NICHE Spring Celebration on Tuesday, May 23, 6:30 p.m.