Man using smartphone to donate

Support NHCC with ease: Use your smartphone to make offering or pledge payments

Freely you have received; freely give. Matthew 10:8 Your support matters to our church! Update your giving method to allow touch-free offering and easy pledge payments. NHCC pays Vanco a fee to permit electronic giving. With the Vanco Mobile app, supporting NHCC takes only a moment. Download the free app from the Apple or Android …

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NHCC’s YouTube channel updated

NHCC Worship, the Newton Highlands Congregational Church YouTube channel, has been enhanced with a new banner photo (taken by member Bill Lowery) and a playlist entitled “Musical Selections” where viewers can enjoy some of the music offered by the senior choir, soloists, and musicians. A chalice watermark has been added; it appears in the bottom …

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bowl of lit candles

Healing service held on April 3

Worshippers on Sunday, April 3, 2022, participated in a healing service, a tradition started at Newton Highlands Congregational Church during the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. The Reverend Ken Baily spoke about Christianity’s core call to repair the broken, heal the sick, and restore the life urge. The senior choir sang “Write Your Blessed Name,” …

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Light in cave

Join us in person during Holy Week 2022

Good Friday Tenebrae, April 15, 7:30 p.m. Holy Week begins on Palm/Passion Sunday, and its climax involves the stories of the day of crucifixion. Twelve readers extinguish twelve candles, interspersed with TaizĂ© chant, in a well-spaced gathering in the Great Hall. Our Senior Choir leads our music, back together for the first time in three …

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Ken Baily reviewing items for possible disposal

Spring cleaning continues at NHCC

Following through on his Lenten theme of “clear, connect, commit,” the Reverend Ken Baily, with help from Wendy Donnell, director of Christian Education, and Sally Brickell, moderator, has been working on decluttering projects in several office and storage areas. Misha Hill has assisted by identifying items that can be disposed of as tech trash. Thank …

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Bill Cordts

Bill Cordts preaches about Prodigal Son on March 27

Member and licensed minister Bill Cordts spoke on Sunday, March 27, 2022, relating the parable of the Prodigal Son to believers’ relationship with God. He talked about the example of forgiveness illustrated by the father in the story. In addition to being a candidate for ordination in the United Church of Christ, Bill has led …

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