Children and youth support neighbors on Mission Sunday

Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Isaiah 58:7 The Great Hall was the scene of a industrious assembly line of altruism on Sunday, September 26, 2021. Church school children and youth participated in a mission project led by Wendy Donnell, director of Christian education. Youth made and packaged nourishing …

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NHCC welcomes Reverend Holly MillerShank on Sunday, October 3

Reverend Holly MillerShank will join Reverend Ken Baily to celebrate World Communion Sunday on October 3, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Members and friends will help lead communion in several languages. Reverend MillerShank most recently served as interim associate conference minister for the Southern New England Conference, covering the Metropolitan Boston and Northeast Associations, United Church …

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Donating from smartphone

Supporting NHCC is easy with the VancoMobile app

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25 Streamline your giving this fall by downloading the free VancoMobile app from the Apple or Android app store, and following the prompts. You can support our church’s operations and our efforts in the wider community right from your smartphone! Vanco, our online-giving …

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woman praying

Deacons organize for new church year

The deacons, members of the Worship & Spiritual Life Committee, held their first meeting of 2021-22 and divided up duties as follows: Jeff Small (continuing) and Amanda Ketchpaw Palés: Co-Chairs Tony Rudié: Representative to Pastoral Relations Carol Jensen:  Representative to Council Susan Allen: Secretary Joy Huber: Treasurer for Deacons’ Fund and representative to Stewardship Isabelle …

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In lifting others, we rise

Refuge, Refugees and Restoration: 9/12

August revealed ugliness.  From the refugee crisis in Afghanistan to the destruction in Haiti.  And NHCC can be quiet in August.  But God calls us to “rebuild.”  On Sunday afternoon September 12 at 1 pm we hold an open conversation about resettling refugees and sending support to earthquake victims.  Anyone interested in invited to attend …

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CE: In-person church school begins September 19, 2021

All of us on the Christian Education team have been waiting (sometimes patiently, sometimes not) for church school to re-open, and now the time has finally come! We are excited to open the doors and welcome back all friends and families to Newton Highlands Congregational Church, UCC! We will continue to monitor guidance regarding the …

Read moreCE: In-person church school begins September 19, 2021